DP World at Dominican Republic

DP World at Dominican Republic

From a port terminal, to a smart trade enabler

At DP World we began our operations in the Dominican Republic in 2003. We are located on the Punta Caucedo peninsula, a strategic place for the redistribution of cargo to the Caribbean, the United States, Central America and South America. Thanks to this excellent location, we handle more than 60% of the Dominican market share.

Our port in the Dominican Republic has become one of the most important ports in the Americas region and is among the top 15 ports in Latin America.

Amongst these facilities is the first logistics centre located within a port terminal in the Caribbean region. This park has 6 fully operational warehouses and has the capacity to meet customer needs in one place, streamlining customs processes, reducing transportation costs and representing significant improvements in delivery times.

Our growth plans at DP World aim to contribute to the significant increase in the country's connectivity, reducing costs associated with trade and increasing the country's competitiveness.

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