The process of defining the focal points of our strategy for a sustainable future comprised 4 steps:


1. Analysis of “DP World Our World, Our Future” sustainability strategy and internal brainstorming around the key questions:

How can we translate DP World’s strategic sustainability pillars to the context of DP World in Antwerp?

What is the added value of the Antwerp branch?

Where do we make the difference for our own business, the employees, society, the environment, and the customer?

For which social trends/challenges does DP World in Antwerp aim to offer a solution?

2. Stakeholder mapping:

The relevance of our stakeholders was determined (stakeholder mapping) by taking into account the following criteria:

  • What is the impact/influence of the stakeholder on DP World in Antwerp?
  • What is the importance of the stakeholder for DP World in Antwerp?

Stakeholders in the upper right-hand corner (high degree of influence and importance) are priorities for DP World in Antwerp. We see them as our most important partners for identifying and achieving our sustainability ambitions.


<<Case study>>

In order for a company to add value to society, it is important to take into account the local community and stakeholders. This is why DP World always works closely with the Port of Antwerp on new projects – providing input or even testing the projects at the terminal. In addition, we hold monthly stakeholder management meetings to discuss particular problems or changes we want to make. Together with the community, we can take sustainable business to the next level.

+ stakeholders image


3. Stakeholder consultation:

In consultation with the internal and external stakeholders, we determined which challenges are also “material” aspects. These are important for the long-term strategy of DP World in Antwerp and meet the (reasonable) expectations of our (most relevant) stakeholders. In order to gain insight into who our stakeholders are, what interests they represent, how much impact they have on our operations and to what extent they support our organizational goals, they were divided into five working groups and their perceptions and expectations were surveyed. The working groups took place in late 2018/early 2019 on the following topics:

  1. Safety
  2. Supply chain / mobility
  3. Environment/energy
  4. People
  5. Social partners (consultation with the port unions)

The various stakeholders were questioned about what they understood by a sustainable company policy, what added value they saw in this, and what the strengths and weaknesses of the DP World site in Antwerp were.

Finally, using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a frame of reference, brainstorming sessions were held on opportunities for improvement in the future.

On 2 December 2021, we also talked to an enthusiastic group of students from the Maritime Sciences program at the University of Antwerp. After a brief introduction to our company and our sustainability policy, we listened to their feedback and expectations, which were mainly centered on:

  • Energy savings and climate impact: continue to focus on modal shift, renewable energy sources, sustainable charging infrastructure for trucks
  • Innovation and digitalization
  • Safety culture
  • Equal opportunities and diversity: equal pay for the same job, transparency, more diversity in applications


This was an interactive session that was greatly enjoyed by both the students and ourselves. We appreciated the voice of the future generation and gained more insight into their aspirations as future cooperation partners or perhaps even colleagues.

“DP World is strongly committed to sustainability, automation, and innovation and attaches great importance to safety. We still see opportunities for them to make their energy sources greener and promote modes of transport other than road transport. Congestion at the terminal is also a concern. Digitalisation is an opportunity. After this session, most of us would consider a job at DP World.”

Maritime Sciences students, University of Antwerp

4. GRI as a reporting framework:

This sustainability report puts our commitments around the Sustainable Development Goals most relevant to DP World into concrete terms. To make our performance measurable and our commitments concrete, we once again refer to the international GRI reference framework for sustainability reporting.

GRI Reference table
 GRI 102 General disclosures
 GRI standard
 1. Organization profile
 102-1Name of the organization
 102-2Primary brands, products and/or services 
 102-3 Location of the head office of the organization
 102-4 The number of countries in which the organization operates
 102-5 Ownership structure and legal form
 102-6 Sales markets
 102-7 Volume
 102-8 Staff
 102-9 Describe the supply chain
 102-10Significant changes during the reporting period for the organization and its supply chain
 102-11Describe how the precautionary principle is applied
 102-12Externally developed CSR charters, principles or other initiatives that the organization endorses
 102-13Membership of associations in which the organization performs functions, makes financial contributions or considers membership as strategic 
2. Strategy
 102-14A statement by the board of directors on the relevance of sustainable development to the organization and its strategy 
 3. Ethics and integrity
 102-16Internally developed mission statements or declarations of principle, codes of conduct and principles with an interest in CSR 
 4. Board
 102-18 Board structure
 5. Stakeholders engagement
 102-40List of relevant stakeholder groups involved in the organization 
 102-41Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements 
 102-42Basis for inventory and selection of stakeholders 
 102-43Approach to stakeholder engagement, including its frequency by type and group of stakeholders 
 102-44Main stakeholder feedback and how the organization responded 
 6. Reporting method
 102-45Operational structure, definition of the report 
 102-46Description of the process for determining the content of the report and application of reporting principles 
 102-47Listing of the material aspects 
 102-48Possible redrafting of information previously provided 
 102-49Significant changes to reporting compared with previous reporting periods 
 102-50Reporting period 
 102-51Date most recent report 
 102-52 Reporting cycle
 102-53 Contact point for questions concerning the report or its contents
 102-54 Reporting in accordance with GRI standards
 102-55 GRI contents table
 102-56 External verification
 Material topics
 Economic performance
 201-1 Direct economic values that are generated and distributed
 103 Management approach
 302-1 Energy (consumption/generation) within the organization
 302-3 Energy intensity
 302-5 Reduction of energy demand for products and services
 103 Management approach
 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions
 Health and safety
 103 Management approach
 403-2Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days and absenteeism and the number of work-related fatalities by region and sex
 Training and education
 103 Management approach
 404-1 Average number of training hours per employee per year
 404-2 Programmes for competence management and lifelong learning
 Diversity and equal opportunities
 103 Management approach
 405-1Diversity of governance bodies and employees. 
 Local community
 103 Management approach
 413-1Activities with local community engagement, impact assessment and development programs