Women Who Love Blue

Women Who Love Blue

Date: 27/11/2019

We celebrated the diversity month with highly valuable development activity. Women empowerment workshop named as Women Who Love Blue started with the story of the color blue and how we use language. Changing our language has significant effects on our perception about ourselves, our thoughts and our lives. We focused on what we heard about women all our lives long and started to transform the disempowerment words. We talked together with the women participants about gender roles, bias, what holds a woman back, inclusive language and attitude, the power of sisterhood at this interactive workshop. In the end, we broaden our spectrum (mind) with new colors.

The facilitator of this insightful workshop is Arzu Pinar Demirel, who is the Founder at Headline Great People, the only diversity and inclusion consultancy in Turkey. She is also Regional Voice Lead at IMPACT2030. Empowering women and reducing inequalities are very important in today's world. Research finds that companies with gender diversity are more likely to have financial returns above their national industry medians. Diversity improves company culture decision making, creativity, innovation and employer brand. A more diverse workforce will naturally lead to a more inclusive culture. Inclusivity means that everyone feel respected and have an equal opportunity to grow and advance. We believe our company will grow with diversity and the strong women, who love blue, know their value, have their own voice and support each other.