Port Safety

Port Safety

Safety is an integral part of DP World’s core values

Our goal is to ensure safe operations. We are committed to provide a safe work environment for all port users including employees, contractors, drivers, customers and visitors. As part of this, we have adopted the SafeTogether campaign to education our terminal users and staff about important safety matters.

Please familiarize yourself with our safety guidelines concerning your safety inside the Terminal:

  • No Access ID card, No entry.
  • All employees, contractors, visitors coming to the port must wear Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Speed limit inside the terminal is 30kph.
  • Carrying “khat” inside the port is prohibited, for details refer to the Drug and Alcohol policy.
  • Smoking is not permitted inside the terminal except in designated smoking areas.
  • The use of mobile phone is not permitted while operating vehicle or equipment while traveling.
  • All vehicles must park on the designated parking area.
  • Observe traffic rules and signages at all times.

You can reach the HSE team at +25263426572 to report any risk, violation or feedback.