Mobility Gallery

Mobility Gallery

Experience the flow of trade. Trace goods across our ultra-connected globe to reveal epic stories – how our 150+ operations work together to keep trade flowing.

In the Mobility Gallery visitors are invited to join in a playful interactive experience: to keep trade flowing across the world. Follow the remarkable journeys of everyday items travelling seamlessly across the world - each trade journey revealing epic stories on themes of innovation, data, efficiency and sustainability, and introducing us to the myriad people who benefit from all over the world.

The spectacular digital installation in the Mobility Gallery represents the world as DP World see it — as one vast digital connected canvas. Visitors join in as ‘viewers’ or ‘doers’. Doers take part in a digital experience by quickly and slickly connecting the supply chain to draw agile routes across the world. Viewers are immersed in the visual spectacle, following the remarkable journeys taken by everyday items, just to get to our doors.

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